Interconnection points of the pipeline – general information

The new DN 1200 (48”) Gas Pipeline on the territory of Serbia from the border with Bulgaria (the cross-border point is located near Zaječar) to the border with Hungary (the cross-border point is located near Horgoš) is intended to deliver natural gas for the needs of Republic of Serbia as well as transit to Hungary.

Natural gas supplies to Republic of Serbia are secured at the following delivery points with specified gas flowrates:

The technical (firm) capacity of GMS-2 (Paraćin) is 20 856 240 kWh/d;

The technical (firm) capacity of GMS-3 (Pančevo) is 39 626 832 kWh/d ;

The technical (firm) capacity of GMS-4 (Gospođinci) is 60 483 072 kWh/d.

The technical (firm) capacity of the IP Kireevo/Zaječar (Bulgarian/Serbian border) for the direction from Bulgaria to Serbia, on Serbia side, is 366 731 712 kWh/d.

The technical (firm) capacity of the IP Kiskundorozsma 1200 (Serbian/Hungarian border) for the direction from Serbia to Hungary is 245 765 568 kWh/d.

Pipeline includes all the necessary facilities for operation: compressor satation, gas metering stations, branch pipelines (to connect the main pipeline to relevant GMS for gas delivery to the existing Serbian network), block valves, pig launchers/receivers, auxiliary facilities, etc.

The Project has been structured in the following functional elements:

  • Pipeline

The Pipeline is divided into 4 sections:

– Section 1: from the Bulgarian/Serbian border (near Zaječar) to Žabari, total length about 147 km (from 0 km to 147,012 km),
– Section 2: from Žabari to Kovin total length about 48 km (from 150 km to 197,768 km),
– Section 3: from Kovin to Gospođinci total length about 112 km (from 198 km to 310,072 km),
– Section 4: from Gospođinci to the Serbian/Hungarian border (near Horgoš) total length about 92 km (from 310,100 km to 402,069 km).

  • BVSs

Within these sections, 18 BVS (block valve stations) were made.

  • GMSs

Within these sections the following n. 4 GMSs are envisaged:

– GMS-1 (km 0,257) on the Bulgaria/Serbia border near Zaječar (KО Prlita);
– GMS-2 (km 84,134) with the branch pipeline near Paraćin (Cadastral Municipality Bošnjane);
– GMS-3 (km 217,717) on the branch pipeline near Pančevo (Cadastral Municipality Pančevo);
– GMS-4 (km 309,612) on the branch pipeline near Žabalj, Cadastral Municipality Žabalj.

GMSs located on pipeline branches to Serbian System (GMS-2, GMS-3) are provided with a pressure reduction system. The pressure is reduced to a level not higher than 45 barg. Commercial flow measurement and gas analyzer to evaluate chemical and physical properties (quality) of the gas are provided on each GMS. Auxiliary facilities for Metering Stations operability assurance are also included.

  • Compressor Station CS-1

А compressor station is provided (near Velika Plana, km 144,666), including auxiliary facilities.

Compressor station is located near Velika Plana, km 144,666. It is equipped with 3 Gas Compressor Units, 8 MW each. Total installed compression power is 24 MW.

Our AFOs are:

-on IP Kireevo/Zajecar (Bulgarian/Serbian border) – BULGARTRANSGAZ EAD
-on IP Serbia – TRANSPORTGAS SRBIJA d.o.o.
-on IP Kiskundorozsma 1200 (Serbian/Hungarian border) – FGSZ Ltd.


Gastrans d.o.o Novi Sad